Category Archives

Archive of posts published in the category: Blog

Why do you need to pay attention on betting?

Betting on sporting events has become very popular and many people have been able to find something attractive for themselves in them. In fact, there are several reasons for which additional attention should be paid to this area. There are a number of…


The main elements of playgrounds

A children’s playground is an outdoor area where many game elements are installed that are designed for proper pastime in order to develop children in a game format. Playgrounds are designed to collect children and their parents in one (comfortable) place, for a…


Can you understand teenage slang?

I’m in the kitchen getting dinner together and my 16-year-old son Garret looks at my new sneakers and says, “Mom, your sneakers are fresh.”


5 Ways for parents to help their teens cope with stress

If there’s one thing we continue to hear from our readers is that we are living in the age of anxiety. We are stressed, and our teens are stressed, and as parents we want ways to help our teenagers cope with the feeling…


Is Instagram giving teenagers anxiety?

From looking at a friend’s Instagram account, I thought her daughter was having the best high school experience. Yesterday, my friend told me her daughter hates high school.


When your teenager moves out to college does her bedroom still belong to her?

Over the holidays, I heard a disturbing story that I must share but I also curious if anyone else finds it disturbing or is it the norm?


How to roadtrip with your teenager

 few weeks ago, my daughter and I did a road trip across six states. It took us more than 16 hours. I thought it was going to be drudgery. I assumed my daughter would be on her phone all the time and ignore…


How to build your teenager’s self-esteem

Growing up, I felt like I was too skinny. When I flipped through magazines, I wished my boobs were bigger like the models and my curves were more pronounced. Now, with social media bringing images of a curvaceous Kylie Kardashian or a buff…


Celebrating an 18th birthday is emotional

My friend is telling me she is throwing a Harry Potter birthday party for her eight-year-old son and I am suddenly jealous. I want to experience little people getting super excited about a theme party and plan something creative that will thrill my…


Teen Drinking

According to a recent survey, 39% of high school students admitted to drinking alcohol within the last thirty days.


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