Conflicts between parents and teens are nothing new. Whether it’s curfew, cell phones or even friends, conflicts can and will arise. How well teen and parent probems are handled, and the strategies used can make all the difference.

Some Common Parent Teenager Problems

Reasons for problems between teenagers and parents vary greatly since each situation is different. However, there are a few common areas where teens and parents find the most conflict.

Teens are striving to find independence anyway they can. From fashion to activities, teens want to control their lives. Since teens are trying to learn how to be an adult and navigate the world without parental supervision, this is a common problem to arise. Keeping the balance between letting your child make choices and keeping them safe is like walking a never ending tight rope. Lean too far either way and you’re bound to lose. To help keep balance, talk with teens and try to understand why they choose the music, cloths or activities they do. Set limits that still allow teens to express themselves in safe ways like dying their hair blue or starting a garage band.


Going along with asserting their independence, teens are ready to prove their point. Whether they are told they can’t go out today or they need to do their homework, adolescents are ready to argue. Not only do they want to discuss a perceived injustice, but many times they feel  Rather than arguing, it is important to listen to your teen. In a calm voice, try to understand the point that teens are trying to make and work to compromise rather than argue.

Lack of Communication

Many times, it feels like parents and teens are on two different planets or speaking two different languages. Phrases like “you don’t understand,” or “it’s like you don’t even listen to me,” are phrases parents hear over and over. Teens don’t feel that parents listen to them or understand their feelings. To wander through the murky water of communication, it’s important to listen to teens. Rather than blasting questions at them, make general conversation and listen to what they have to say. It is also important to