Author Archives

Archive of the posts written by author: admin.

Building Resiliency in Adolescents

Building resiliency in adolescents starts in childhood. Everyone wants his or her child to be successful and happy in life. Building resiliency in teenagers takes time with outside support from your community and school.   What Is Resilience? Resilience is the ability to…


Eco Fashion

Eco fashion is a focus on clothing that takes into account the environment, the health of the consumer who will wear the clothes, and the working conditions of the people involved with making the clothes. Eco friendly brands are intentionally trying to lessen…


Is there too much criticism in your relationship? Take our quiz

Some level of criticism in a relationship is inevitable. We’re never going to agree with everything our partner does, no matter how well suited we might be. When the criticism is always there or involves name calling or insults – it can really…


Why are people unreliable in relationships?

A lack of reliability in a person can be triggered by a variety of reasons. Sometimes, it’s just a part of who they are. Some people are simply less organised than others and find it hard to stick to plans or keep arrangements.…



GMFLogo At Taco Bell, we believe teens are our future. Graduate for Más Careers is a program designed to enable and inspire teens who have made the Graduate for Más promise to graduate high school with an opportunity to explore future career options…


Quiz: Are household chores causing arguments in your relationship?

Couples often come unstuck arguing over who’s going to do what, how often things need to be done and attitudes towards how clean the house should be. Arguments that start about something seemingly simple can really spiral out of control and become much…


Common Problems Between Parents and Teenagers

Conflicts between parents and teens are nothing new. Whether it’s curfew, cell phones or even friends, conflicts can and will arise. How well teen and parent probems are handled, and the strategies used can make all the difference. Some Common Parent Teenager Problems…


Ask Ammanda: My partner is emotionally abusive

I don’t know if I am overeacting or being too sensitive to my partner’s comments and behaviour. He is very disapproving when I want to spend time with friends instead of with him. He says that I am not fully committed to the…


Difficulties in Adolescence

Difficulties in adolescence can be overwhelming but are common. As a teen, there are so many pressures in your life and so many things are changing. Your body is changing, your hormones are raging, you want to fit in at school, your teachers…


Ask Ammanda: Is stress causing her to look elsewhere

My wife and I have had a difficult year — I’ve changed my medication (I suffer from multiple sclerosis), my wife has needed an operation, her nan died and her mother’s partner walked out. This year we wanted to put everything behind us…


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