Thrift shopping is buying second hand clothes at greatly reduced prices. There didn’t used to be much variety among thrift stores, but thrifting has become much more mainstream and popular, which is great because it has so many benefits. First, thrifting reduces pressure on…
Thrift Shopping
Ask Ammanda: My girlfriend puts me down in front of our friends and it’s ruining our relationship
I’ve been with my girlfriend for a few months now and things have generally been going pretty well but I’ve noticed that whenever I disagree with her about something she gets really snappy and totally dismisses my opinion. She often thinks she’s right…
The primary effect on a relationship is likely to be a deterioration of trust. The person on the receiving end of abusive behaviour may lose faith that their partner will always act in their best interests – often having accumulated plenty of evidence…
I’m in my fifties with a good life, four children and two beautiful grandchildren, but I’ve become disillusioned by all the secrets and lies from my husband. Since I went through the menopause I have felt I’ve lost my mojo, but I’d I…
There’s nothing like coming home after a long day at school, grabbing a book and cozying up under soft sheets. Home is your safe haven, your cocoon, a place where you can surround yourself with all your favorite things. But what does your…
Arguments are common in all kinds of relationships. Some degree of conflict can even be healthy, as it means both people are expressing themselves, rather than keeping everything inside and letting emotions fester. But if you’re arguing all the time, or simple disagreements…
Abusive behaviour of any kind is unacceptable in a relationship. However, financial abuse can be damaging as the practical consequences can be very serious – in the most extreme cases, involving people being denied access to funds, losing thousands of pounds, getting into…
Fashion is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, producing more than 80 billion items of clothing each year. However, this industry is responsible for a staggering amount of waste – almost 92 million tons end up in landfills each year,…
Dealing with financial abuse
With financially abusive behaviour, the most important first step is to address the practical side of what’s happening. You’ll need to understand the extent of what’s going on before you’re able to tackle it. In cases where there has been a lot of…
Talking it over
From there, it’s a case of talking things over in a calm and constructive manner. This can be really hard when you’re feeling emotional, so you might like to try the following tips: Choose an appropriate time to talk. If you think you’re…